Friday, August 3, 2018

Project Based Learning – More Than Just Academics

In order to succeed in today’s era of technological evolution, students must have skills and knowledge beyond their academics. Project based learning (PBL) provides a comprehensive understanding of subjects and concepts. Students can apply the learnt concepts to real-life experiences and gradually move towards innovation through all-around enriching education.

At the core of project based learning:

Active & engaging learning 

Since students are allowed to explore and experiment, PBL provides active and engaging learning. Students get a deeper knowledge of the subject when they are studying. In addition, students are extremely likely to retain the knowledge gained this way. Besides, students work in groups or alone which develop in them confidence and self-direction. Thus, PBL provides a better opportunity than textbook-centered learning.

Also read : How to Promote STEM Education in School?

Research skills 

During the course of project completion, students get into some kind of research alone or with group. This gives an opportunity to students to hone their organization and research skills, enhance their communication skills, and often provide them a chance to see the positive effect of their work on the community.

Meaningful evaluations 

While traditional curriculum evaluates students on the basis of written reports and exams from a few fixed recited theories, PBL evaluates students on the kind of projects they take. Therefore, this kind of evaluation is more meaningful to them and also inspire them to pursue a carrier in subjects they are really interested in.

Failure imparts experience 

Students are afraid of failing their exams and it can affect their grade. However, there is nothing like failure in project based learning. Projects provide real-life experience and every failed experiment lays the foundation of success. PBL is also an approach in STEM education where students learn through experiments and use scientific tools and equipment for research and development.

In India, project-based learning is at the core of STEM education and also gains backing by the government. StemBridge Labs, a vendor to establish Atal Tinkering Labs, provides necessary tools to schools selected for the lab. Thanks to the encouraging efforts by the government that schools are adopting STEM based curriculum to spark students’ desire to research and explore.

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